How To Install Anti Adblocker Script On Blogger

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How To Install Anti Adblocker Script On Blogger

This is how to add or install anti-Adblock or anti-AdBlocker script on blog. So when you installed this anti-adblock script then your blog will appear in full entity on users who have Adblock installed on their browsers.

You can say that Adblocker is blogger's worst enemy who monetize their blog with Google Adsense, Chitika or other advertising using JavaScript code. If your blog's visitors installed anti-advertise script on their browser, then your ads will not appear on their browser and the situation is of course disadvantaging us.

anti adblock script for blogger

Adblocker is a Chrome or Mozilla addon or plugin that can be installed by users if they want to see the content of our blog without being bothered with advertising. Addblocker will block the ads so they can not appear on users's browsers.

How to install anti-adblock script on Blogger

There are two codes you need to install, in this section you will be guided to install the codes.

  • First purpose; Ask users to inactivate or disable the add-on or app that blocks the ads.
  • Second purpose; Or forcing users to disable the adblock if they want to view our blog.

How to add anti-adblocker for first purpose

Click Template -> Edit HTML.

Step 1 :- Copy and then paste the following code right above this tag ]]></b:skin> 

1#swp_noadblocker { display:none;}

Step 2 :- Copy and then paste the following code right above this tag </head>

1<script type="text/javascript">    if (document.getElementById("swp_noadblocker") != undefined)    {    }    else    {        alert("It seems like your browser has the Adblocker or other similar software installed. So if you wish to view the website please to consider disabling the ad blocker on your browser. Thanks for your corporation, ");            setTimeout("nag()",12000);    }    </script>

You can alter the red lines texts.

Step 3 :- Copy and then paste the following code right above the </body>Step 3. Copy and then paste the following code right above the </body>

123<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<div id="tester">an advertisement</div>');

Step 4 :- Save your template.

How to add anti-adblocker script for 2nd purpose

Step 1 :- Layout > Add a Gadget > HTML/Javascript

Step 2 :- Copy and then paste the following code within that gadget.

left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#fff;opacity:0.9;filter:alpha(opacity=90);display:block}#g207 p{opacity:1;filter:none;font:bold 16px Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;text-align:center;margin:20% 0}#g207 p a,#g207 p i{font-size:12px}#g207 ~ *{display:none}</style><noscript><i id=g207><p>Please enable JavaScript!<br />Bitte aktiviere JavaScript!<br />S'il vous pla&icirc;t activer JavaScript!<br />Por favor,activa el JavaScript!<br /><a href=""></a></p></i></noscript><script>(function(w,u){var d=w.document,z=typeof u;function g207(){function c(c,i){var e=d.createElement('i'),b=d.body,,l=b.childNodes.length;if(typeof i!=z){e.setAttribute('id',i);s.margin=s.padding=0;s.height='100%';l=Math.floor(Math.random()*l)+1}e.innerHTML=c;b.insertBefore(e,b.childNodes[l-1])}function g(i,t){return !t?d.getElementById(i):d.getElementsByTagName(t)};function f(v){if(!g('g207')){c('<p>Please disable your ad blocker!<br/>This site is supported by the advertisement <br/> Please disable your ad blocker to support us!!! </p>','g207')}};(function(){var a=['Adrectangle','PageLeaderAd','ad-column','advertising2','divAdBox','mochila-column-right-ad-300x250-1','searchAdSenseBox','ad','ads','adsense'],l=a.length,i,s='',e;for(i=0;i<l;i++){if(!g(a[i])){s+='<a id="'+a[i]+'"></a>'}}c(s);l=a.length;for(i=0;i<l;i++){e=g(a[i]);if(e.offsetParent==null||(w.getComputedStyle?d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e,null).getPropertyValue('display'):e.currentStyle.display
)=='none'){return f('#'+a[i])}}}());(function(){var t=g(0,'img'),a=['/adaffiliate_','/adops/ad','/adsales/ad','/adsby.','/adtest.','/ajax/ads/ad','/controller/ads/ad','/pageads/ad','/weather/ads/ad','-728x90-'],i;if(typeof t[0]!=z&&typeof t[0].src!=z){i=new Image();i.onload=function(){this.onload=z;this.onerror=function(){f(this.src)};this.src=t[0].src+'#'+a.join('')};i.src=t[0].src}}());(function(){var o={'':'google_ad_client','':'adscale_slot_id','':'adPlaceId'},S=g(0,'script'),l=S.length-1,n,r,i,v,s;d.write=null;for(i=l;i>=0;--i){s=S[i];if(typeof o[s.src]!=z){n=d.createElement('script');n.type='text/javascript';n.src=s.src;v=o[s.src];w[v]=u;r=S[0];n.onload=n.onreadystatechange=function(){if(typeof w[v]==z&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState==="loaded"||this.readyState==="complete")){n.onload=n.onreadystatechange=null;r.parentNode.removeChild(n);w[v]=null}};r.parentNode.insertBefore(n,r);setTimeout(function(){if(w[v]!==null){f(n.src)}},2000);break}}}())}if(d.addEventListener){w.addEventListener('load',g207,false)}else{w.attachEvent('onload',g207)}})(window);</script>

Step 3 :- Save it.

So this was our guide on How To Install Anti Adblocker Script On Blogger , I hope the methods given above helped you.
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